Saturday, August 14, 2010

Play time in my bed!

Aunt Abby's Wedding Rehearsal

4th of July!

We spent the evening with Melissa, Curt, Ellie, Audrey and Curtis! We had a great time!

Welcome Baby Curtis!

Leo got a new cousin on June 30th! Curtis Eugene Pohlman!

Better late than never!

Here are some pics of Leo that are more up to date! Most of them are from July!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


The weather was so nice today that mommy, daddy, Izzy and I went for a walk at Blanchette Park. I really enjoyed it eventhough I slept the whole time, but I did keep my shades on.

Leo kept his sunglasses on for almost 2 hours. I was very amazed that he didn't fuss or try to knock them off. I'm glad he loves them, because then I won't hesitate to buy him more. Maybe he can have a large collection just like his mommy!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Two Month Check Up

Leo went to the doctor today for his 2 month check up! He weighed 12lbs 4 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. He also had to get 2 shots which he hated. He cried so so so hard! I'm sure it was more traumatizing for mom and dad than him.
He also has an eye infection he is just starting to get over and got his first cold this week. We have been sucking out lots of snot for him. Poor little guy has had one rough week! We did celebrate daddy's birthday this week. Daddy got to spend the entire day with Leo and mommy!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Finally we got some pictures of Leo's smiles

Play time

Just starting to put Leo on his play mate. He really liked it and I got him to hold his toy keys!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bath Time!

Leo is just starting to really like bath time, but always loves getting his hair washed!